Education: Cradle To Career
Education is the ticket to individual prosperity, and in turn the key determinant of our collective economic success. Learning begins at birth and continues into career where today most good jobs require a post-secondary certification or degree. Parenting, child care, pre-school, K-12, college, and technical and trade schools are all important components of the education continuum, which is why our investments and policy advocacy span cradle-to-career.

Economic Development
A diverse economy powered by high growth industries, good jobs for all skill levels, and career pathways providing upward mobility are keys to advancing economic opportunity for all Memphians. Those attributes are best fueled by a business-friendly climate, vigorous support for innovation, entrepreneurship and existing business growth, business marketing and recruitment, inclusive business practices, and industry-driven workforce training and education.

Public Safety
Public safety is fundamental to the quality of life and economic prosperity of any community. It starts with effective law enforcement and interventions to help offenders get onto the right path. But public safety is sustainable only as communities addresses root causes of crime and bolster support networks, improve education and expand employment opportunity for disadvantaged families.